Thursday, 4 August 2016

Goodbye Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides

Goodbye Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Lipids And Triglycerides

A few years ago, I was amazed, by the blood results that one former professor showed me. The blood test was shoking because the five key parameters: blood glucose, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides and lipids, had values which far exceeded the normal levels. According to this professor, the person with this kind of blood in his system should already be dead, or extremely stubborn. I was even more amazed when my teacher showed me the name of that person. The results were his. After the shock, I asked him the one question that pop in my mind: How, and what did you do?
He just smiled and showed me another sheet analysis, saying: “Now, look at this, compare the values of the parameters and see the dates.”That’s what I did. When a looked, I saw that the parameter values were within the recommended range, the blood was flawless. The shocking news was that his blood changed only after just one month.
I asked him again: “How did you do it? This is really amazing”. This miracle was made by his doctor, who suggested the tratment from another doctor that was his friend. After what I saw, i used the treatment and the results were amazing. I continued doing this treatment once a year, I check my blood, and if either is present tendency to breakdown, return immediately to repeat this process. I highly recommend that you should try it.
I will present you the recipe of this miraculous treatment that will help you treat your blood condition and will provide you with the best possible results. Here is what you need to do:
Every week for 4 weeks, you should buy raw pumpkin at the supermarket or the bazaar. After that, you need to peel 100 grams of pumpkin, place the pieces in a blender, pour some water (WATER ONLY) and mix them well. You will get a vitamin pumpkin-smoothie with water. Once prepared, you need to take this vitamin smoothie 15 to 20 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach. You need to do this treatment for a month, or every time you think you need to lower your cholesterol. The best part about this natural treatment is that you control the outcome, making analysis before and after treatment with other pumpkin.

Moreover, this treatment has no contraindications because it made from a natural vegetable and water. Keep in mind not to use sugar or other additives. My professor is an excellent chemical engineer, and he studied the pumpkin in order to find out which of the active ingredients it contains, and found that the pumpkincompounds eliminated all LDL cholesterol from the arteries, through the urine. He also discovered that this miraculous natural beverage cleansed his arteries and after consuming it, he was feeling refreshed and energized. We really hope you enjoyed this article and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family, as you may help someone in need. Thank You